Tuesday, February 28, 2012


In accordance with the CVH social media policy I must post that it is a HUD project and that the opinions expressed on this blog are my own and not that of CVH itself.  So there, posted. In tiny font, and a pale shade of blue, enjoy!

This is a picture that shows where the emergency entrance portico once existed.  It was um, disassembled a couple days ago.  I think the ambulance drivers got pretty good maneuvering between the poles to park their vehicles to off load their patients.  At least it kept the rain off when it wasn't raining sideways. The new entrance is inside the ground floor with covered parking right next to the elevators going up to the emergency room.  There is, indeed, an upper emergency room entrance but most of the time they will be using the garage entrance unless multiple ambulances have made a run at the same time. 

1 comment:

Richard's Rants and Raves said...

Your "opinion" is duely noted. Politics not withstanding, your opinion has been worth reading. Cathy