Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Dream Interpretation Web site has.....

...disappeared. I clicked on my favorites link and got sent to some upstart search engine that wishes to tell me that Dream web site does not exist, did I want dreem moods? Um, I thought Google had gotten better at doing my thinking for me? What happened. I tried different names A to Z, nothing. So having done this enough to perhaps write my own interpretations here goes.

Last night I dreamt that I and a larger group of people were in survival mode somewhere. Things had settled down in a communal sort of way so I decided to make soup. I started with some dark greens like turnip greens or something like that. I found a large potato and chopped that and then I noticed some carrots and a peeler.

So chop chop peel peel in go the carrots. Lastly I found some sort of egg noodle and dumped them in. Hmm, I feel that dream wise that food was the symbol and preparing food is a nurturing act, I was nurturing life in general. Boring!!

In the real world I prepared a casserole consisting of sliced and oven baked new potatoes (one hour, 350 oven, oil, salt) topped with left over frozen meat balls, contents of a left over frozen bag of three cheeses, two cans of mushroom soup, sprinkle chopped Parmesan, cook 30 minutes, 350. Not bad. Husband thinks potatoes and meatballs are sensational. Net gain? More room in freezer.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I have no links to dream interpretation sites or in general. You could try the google cache to reach it again.
Did you pass the ingredients through a kind of net or something - I do not know the name for the thing - but generally you can make a soup clear or "mashed", "passiert" - you know what I mean fellow cook. I have no idea whether it means something and am very happy having no dreams at all, seriously.

Anonymous said...

actually today, Sunday, the links are back to dream site.
Carrots: Abundance and fertility.
Turnip greens: Means will over come current problem, is a pun for something will "turn up".
Noodle: Longevity and abundance and is a pun for "Use your noodle".

Hmph, whattya make of that? RIA