Saturday, July 13, 2019

Neighborhood project, postop progress and sumpin' sumpin'

Well, let me give a little history about the goings on next door to us.  There is a tri-plex that had been rented occasionally, sold a few time, remodeled  and for the past COUPLE OF YEARS mind you, has been occupied by squatters.  Or people who didn't exactly have permission to live there.  The tribe, as we called them, also lived in a tiny house right in back of it as well as occupied a trailer thing.

As far as we knew, Mike, our neighbor was a bit of a shade tree mechanic. There was dozens of cars that came and went over the last couple of years.  He also had a couple of young men who stayed with him.  He was blondish and these young men were twin like brothers in their early 20's.  One of then, Schyler, was nonverbal.  He would wonder around the neighborhood, perching on steps and what not.  The other one, I never saw, but I sure heard him. He had Tourette's syndrome and we would hear all sorts of anglo-saxon terms at all hours of the night.  Very disturbing when he was on a rant and obviously not on medications.

The other people who seemed to come and go was an older woman and man who had a couple of dogs.  The dogs mostly stayed in the upstairs apartment and used it as a kennel.  They barked constantly. They were not big dogs but the were noisy.

The two downstairs apartments were occupied from time to time by a young woman and a couple of kids.  I think there was male partner but not too sure about that. 

Occasionally there were so many cars parked around there that the parked them on the front lawn.  

The lady living in the trailer in front of the smaller house went away never to been heard of again.    Now, don't get the idea that I had my binoculars out checking this stuff out every day, the houses are so close that we can clearly hear conversations next door through the windows.  Sometimes the conversations were VERY LOUD.

We are hoping that once the place has been renovated that the will rent the thing out to working folk.  The housing shortage is here in Coquille as well.  I chat with the hairdresser and they are looking to rent a small house in Coquille to get away from the commute and they just can't find anything for a decent price.

Update on surgery:  I have been following the postop instructions.  I have not changed the dressing but am keeping the bits and piece around it clean.  I am itchy,  can't scratch inside my muscles so I  am thinking this is fluid and bruising be resorbed into surrounding tissues.  I have been squeezing my pink flamingo ten times each hour or better. I have a glorious bruise parallel to the wound and it looks ghastly but it will resorb as well.

We will be going back on the 23rd for a wound check and bandage change.  Yay! Not looking to another drive to Eugene but it is getting to be more familiar territory.

Hubs just got good news, Unca Sam sent forms for him to opt out of part B.  Just fill this out and return the whole thing, thank you sir!

A couple days ago we noticed two young men and a porta-potty and big commercial dumpsters suddenly showed up. Hmm.

We watched several dumpsters get filled up.  I heard noise in the backyard and stepped out on the back porch.  I chatted with one of the young men.  

He told me they had filled four dumpsters so far.  I asked about the little house and he said it was full of trash up to his chest and it would probably get torn down there was so much water damage.

His boss bought the property as a foreclosure.  I asked about the bigger house and he said there were some foundation issues that they would take care of. I suggested that with the little house gone that space would make terrific parking.

This morning there is an older guy using a back hoe machine to literally much up the trailer thing and well, who knows what he will start on next!?

Also yesterday they cut down most of the bushes away from the house.  We are hoping that they rebuild the fence as it is pretty shabby. Keeping fingers crossed anyway it will be fun to watch..

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