Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The office

Disclaimer:   Be advised that this build is a HUD union sanctioned build.  Any opinions expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not reflect any opinions of CVH. 

Today is the second fullish day spent at my new-to-me desk at the office.  Looks like I'm working hard, huh?  My missing desk was in plant operations along with another desk being claimed by IT.  I didn't want the corner one, and IT did, so we swapped.  I put the tall cupboard thingie on the carpet in back of me and it serves nicely as a book shelf.  HJ helped get all my wires untangled and in the proper spot.  JS from IT fixed it so I can fax documents to the nurses station as well as surgery.  Woo hoo, faxing stuff instead of printing it off and running it down the hallway.

This is the view from the front door of all five desks, squeezed into this area, to the left are the as yet unadorned shelves.  We froze today, the plant people and the Fire Marshall were testing the boiler and it took all afternoon for the temperature to eek its way back up to 65. We are hoping the records themselves will add an insulating property besides stopping the wind chime effect of the empty shelves. 


carlae said...

Looks nice and updated, but I'd have to quit my job if I had to work in a desk that didn't look out into the room. odd you say, ask the people that have to work in em, wait, maybe you don't want to open that can of worms

Retro Blog said...

Actually the view has changed even more, three of the desks have been flipped around with long wall to aisle, more privacy for the transcriptionists. The Fire Marshall may piddle all over that though because of the narrow path between desks and shelving.