Wednesday, April 25, 2012

almost done

Eight movers showed up about 8 am Tuesday morning, boxed up and unboxed charts from 1 to 58,000 and got them moved and shelved correctly with only a couple of course corrections. They emptied some metal shelves that had been bolted to the wall in a former patient bathroom and installed them way down at the end.
We had to put the left overs in one of the administration offices until we can go back and do some purging.  We now have empty shelves to store the purged charts in the old medical records. Hooray!  We were there until 4:30.  That does not sound so bad but I got there at 6:15 am.  Tired little doggies.

This nice empty looking space is the doctors dictation room across the hall from medical records.  One of our consulting surgeons came over today to review surgeries done in March. You can't see it from this view but there is a copier on the other side of the room.  The empty shelves will hold the incomplete charts that need dictation or signatures etc.  Didn't have that much room in the old doctor's lounge but then there is no en suite bathroom or bed for the on-call docs. 

Next task the phones.  We are hoping to get our 396 numbers back but there has been a tussle between vendors etc.  The phone did ring today, SOME people found us to ask for stuff to be faxed to their offices.  Patients move tomorrow.  Glad my part is mostly done.  Still smells like new car. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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