Friday, September 23, 2011


This is the view outside the North exit, they have begun filling in the driveway with truckloads of fine sand, followed by generous application of hundreds of gallons of water.  The larger machines massaged the sand into a semblance of flatness.  I predict the layer will stop about 18 inches short of the top of the wall, in order to provide a barrier.  Gotta keep the ambulance from accidentally going over the edge.  Of course it would also be possible for some civilian to do the same, come around that corner, misjudge the speed and sail right out there....and no bunch of trees to stop the vehicle.

This is the view outside the window in medical records.  They just about have the building buttoned up, got on a layer of wallboard and Tyvek.   When the sun came out it was SO yellow we needed shades and we looked distinctly jaundiced.   We can no longer look over and see the guys taking their lunch break. 

Also brief review of a show on The Science Channel called

"Stuck With Hacket".  Premise is that what can a man do to create civilisation from junk.  Quite a bit actually.  Hacket was stuck in a junk yard next to a desert.  He decided to make a "dirt boat" utilizing obtainium (junk).  He assembled the pieces and parts, discovered he did not have a critical piece to connect the mast to the boat and actually made a mold of to hold molten metal and poured the piece he needed.  He hurt himself several times and finally got to sail his dirt boat, it looked really good and like a lot of fun.  I like this guy.

1 comment:

Gale said...

I went online and googled your hospital. I like the picture of the finished product. quite impressive