Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mo diggin' and flattenin'

We can see a lot more of the clinic's roof now, yesterday some guys were climbing all over it, looking for a leak.

It is flat over there?  It's flat over here.  It is flat down there? It looks flat from up here.

I got up a little early this morning, last night had dusted off my night stand and some how bumped the time up two HOURS.  So my alarm went off this morning, I wandered into the bathroom, performed my routine morning ablutions, dressed, went downstairs to make breakfast.  I looked at the clock and it said 4:30AM.  I checked some other clocks and decided against trudging back upstairs for a two hour snooze, ate a very leisurely breakfast, read a book, left early and got to work a bit after 6 am.  At least I had my choice of parking, it is MRI van day and things get a little more crowded than usual. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm flattered and feel seriously flat tonight.