Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Red devil Texas, Nice name for small town in TEXAS

Red, the Devil and Texas. I was somewhere someone was offering to turn a marble column in to red marble. This I dreamed that my house was being infestd by the devil. All of my clothes were being washed and squeezed into the bathtub by way of the overspill spout. I did wonder if this would be a daily occurrence. I was then looking at a Texas shaped cookie and wondering why the devil caused so much mischief. It suddenly occurred to me with shocking clarity that the Great Secret of Satan was that he could not actually kill anyone. Certainly did not stop him from manipulating the situation to cause many deaths. I then gave the cookie to someone and asked them to put it in their mouth. Then I asked to have the cookie returned to me. The person had eaten the cookie. It was the only Texas shaped cookie. RED: Means energy, force, passion. DEVIL: Means fear, negative aspects of self. TEXAS: Think big.

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