Thursday, August 6, 2020


Woke from a dream about status.  Dream site not helpful.  Normally statue dreams indicate communication problems. Meh...

Also yesterday I got to thinking about Chorizo sausage.  It is readily available in the stores back home.  However, I have never seen any around here.  I like to make spaghetti with Chrozio, it is very tasty.  I also like to make garlic bread as well.  Yummy!

The Basque population in southern Idaho brought Chorizo with them.  It is usually made with lamb and is spicy.  The Basque came to Idaho and Nevada several generations ago to tend to flocks of sheep.  I have seen the little wagons they stay in while tending to the woolies.  

Basque have very long names.  I worked with a girl named Becky Malexechebaria.  My land lady in Boise while I attened BSU was Petra Cengotito.  One day she asked me to look at a plant in her garden. She wanted to know if it was marijuana.  I looked at it and sure enough it was a merry little pot plant.  I asked her what she was going to do with it. She said she would just watch it for a while.  One day not to long later it was gone.  She didn't know what happened to it. Presumed that a happy neighbor snagged it.

Dr. Jewell has a terrible time pronouncing Cihigoiniche.  Whenever I did transcription to him, he would invariably pronounced it "Mrs. Shes a Gonna getcha."

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