Friday, August 23, 2019

The Impossible Whopper

Yesterday, husband drove me to my eye appointment.  The usual therapy ensued.  Additionally, I had visited my optometrist for my annual exam and she declared that officially my right cataract is "ripe" and can be removed.  However, she could not guarantee that it would improve my vision.  So I shall wait until the right one is ripe and I will get to visit an ophthalmologist for the surgery.  Hope the one I like is still working by then.  

At any rate, The Impossible Whopper has been heavily promoted on TV at Burger King.  I suggested we stop at the one in Coos Bay on way out of town.

Okey dokey!  Had to remember exactly where it is located along 101 going south out of town.  Turned in, got in line and ordered two Impossible Whoppers and two orders of Onion Rings.  And we took them home.

Mine only needed 30 seconds to warm up in the microwave.  Burger itself looked exactly like the picture.  I chomped down and ate only half of the burger and half of the onion rings.  It tasted lovely and it was done in the middle.  I had been warned that the patty might be pink in the middle due to the plant matter color and dye but nope it was perfectly medium done AND grilled.  

The onion rings were uniformly small and an inch to two inches across and were REAL onion and tasted delightful.

Husbands opinion was that it was tasty but it might have given  him gas.  The cost for the two burgers and onion rings was $19.14 which pretty well destroys a twenty.  At that rate I doubt we will be returning.  But it was the BEST none meat patty I have ever eaten. 

 I compared it to the Improbable Burger that I purchased locally at McKay's Market.  The local was pretty good.  I should have cooked it a bit longer and the patty stuck to the pan.  I should have grilled it but I am not set up for grilling at home.  Oh well.

While Micky D's has done well in the market, I would suggest that McDonalds sell a similar product.  They need to name it properly.  I have some suggestions.

1.  McBurger
2.  McPossible
3.  McMeatless

Free name, people, for which corporate McD's would pay MILLIONS to some marketing team to come up with, not to mention all that research.  Burp.  

Give the Impossible Whopper a try, ya might like it.  

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