Wednesday, August 28, 2019


In the high finance world of entertaiment ie; television.  There has now been an annoying announcement on my direct channel number 16 which is NBC.  I haven't been able to watch any America's Got Talent unless it was posted on Facebook.  I also watched the first episode of Inbetween.  Hmmph. 

I have leaned how to search TV for programs by name and have really embraced many shows.  

Another new thing I accidentally discovered was On Demand.  On my TV clicker thingie is a menu button.  I touch that to click on  my recorded programs. 

What I had failed to notice was the bottom On Demand listing.  I can click on NBC and view America's Got Talent as well as Inbetween.  Perhaps I can thwart the greedy folk who are holding out in order to generate mo money, mo money, mo money.

Last night I sort of binge watched Inbetween.  Here is the plot basics.  Our Heroine was raised by two absolutely gorgeous gay men in Seattle.  One Dad works as a detective for the police department.  The other Dad is a physician who may be having mental slips and has taken a few weeks off to relax.

Hero girl is a bit of a psychic.  She occasionally see things.  She is a bartender. The first episode involves a young girl ghost who is sort of living in her house.  She has unresolved issues and is shaping up to be a difficult teen ghost.  

The first case is about a vision she has about a woman she sees who has her eyes removed by her killer.  She also gets hints and visions  of the killer killing the missing woman.  There is a young boy involved.  Ultimately we learn that the man who actually killed this woman was convicted and executed in Texas.  The newest missing woman has identical circumstances.  

Eventually the detective figures out that the young boy whose Mom was killed grew up to become a killer who was a copycat of his mothers death.  Creepy.  

And the girl ghost asks hero girl to give her grandfather a message.  Hero goes to prison and has one of those prison phone conversations.  Evidently grandpa liked to give cocoa to his granddaughter and the cocoa was loaded with drugs that put her to sleep.  Then he would sexually abuse her.  One time he gave her to much drugs and she did not wake up.  The conversation was short. he was warned that very soon he would start stumbling and falling down.  Then when he was lying down he would feel a great weight on his chest.  The hero leave the prison and looks down into the exercise yard and sees the ghost girl doing cartwheels and watches her shove her grandfather around.  They wave at each other. 

I didn't see the teen ghost in the second episode so perhaps she has gone to the next place.

The second episode involves hero looking for another missing woman and child.  The creepy executed killer shows up and he offfers to help her out so he can get out of Inbetween.  She may not be able to get rid of him quite as easily as the teen ghost.   There are other twists and turns that keep things interesting.  I will have to do some more binge watching.   

As for binge watching America's Got Talent.  Meh.  The show always gets a bit exhausting as the competition narrows down, so I may just wait for interesting bits to show up on my Facebook feed. Kind of like a surprise party.  Yayyy!!!

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