Monday, April 9, 2018


Well, I do actually know what exactly is wrong with me.  Besides getting older without a lot of aches and pains and a couple chronic diseases, I am in fairly good medical shape. My vision is crappy but improving a little bit, looking forward to left eye prescription improvement.  My tall dark and blurry ophthalmologist is close to declaring me not improvable.  Yay! No more eyeball shots? No we will schedule you out a little farther between.  Rats.  I am very happy to enjoy reasonable good mental health.  Yeah, a little memory degradation, which is why I have started documenting bits and pieces of my life. Wouldn't want anyone to miss out on any of that. Granted I do need to walk more.  I daily work on flexibility exercises. Bending over? Not so much. Last visit to my Kidney doctor, my what ever is up one more point to 19.  That means the spectre of a visit to a fistula surgeon is put off a bit longer.  I debate about whether I even want to dialyze at all.  Just the commute alone may kill me.  Sitting?   I can do sitting. I can read my Kindle, be social to staff, bore the bejesus out of other patients.  And in the meantime there is always hope that some bright young engineer will build a plastic kidney using one of those printer thingies.  Super duper filter.  C'mon people get the Hell busy. Cuz otherwise I need a type B blood for kidney donor.  Always thought being matchy matchy was harder for kidney donation.  Husband (Not type B), God Bless him is willing but I think the donation would nearly do him in.  Now my other doctor person is a fun lady.  We chat about Indian movies and stuff.  My latest project is trying to consolidate ALL of my medical supplies in one spot. Maybe a very large tackle box with mega storage.  In addition to my ten or so prescriptions (yes I have a list) I also take 8 or so over the counter items. The reason I have so any meds is that I have like 4 scrips for BP, 1 for diabetes Not counting the refrigerated insulin, and the remaining ones are for routine coverage for stroke, heart attack. Oh wait, I forgot gout. I think I need a drug vacation.  Also need room for packages of needles that comes in a box, supplies for blood sugar kit, BP cuff.  Better get a buggy on wheels thing for mobility and possible bug out bag.  Truth be if there is occasion for a bug out I will elect to watch whatever the hell is going on from the second or possibly third story window, depending on how deep the tsunami is projected to be.  The Cascadia zone is just ten miles off shore from us.  Eeesh.  Em mostly I just want to watch. Yeah, that's the ticket.  Good news is that GI and GU continue to be more or less reliable.  My sense of humor is still intact.  I don't think I suffer from depression...and I do enjoy frequent naps.  Husband checks for vital signs occasionally but the snoring is a dead give-a-way.

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