Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Two days before our 21st anniversary I slipped and went bouncy bouncy down the full flight of stairs. I landed on my right shoulder and managed to make Trauma history. No one had ever seen a radial head broken off in the chest cavity. Broke some ribs too. I asked Tim to take me to ER. Did not think about 9-1-1. I dimly remember the CT scan. Woke up 2 days later in ICU post shoulder replacement and begging for water. M y sister Carla, her hubby Mitch and brother Phil were there giving me ice chips!! Forgot I woke up in OHSU! what a fabulous place. That part of the family stayed a couple of days. Thanks guys!! Tim came next after caring for the livestock and stayed. Next day two brothers, Rich and Jim came and so did sister Gale. The visit was epic we gossiped and tpld stories! Got discharged MLK day. buggy broke down at exit 288 South I5. Got AAA tow to repair shop and rented very tiny plastic car. Weather was bad traffic was at near stand still until near Salem. We got  room for the night. finished getting home next day.  SO thankful to get home.

1 comment:

Retro Blog said...

got lots of phonecalla thanks ellen!!