Friday, November 22, 2013

Fifty years later.

dnp; atx;

All of the networks have been broadcasting pieces on JFK's assassination 11-22-63.

I remember it well. I was sixteen years old, in my geometry class taught by Miss Primativa Perez a spitfire Filipina five foot nuthin in heels. The announcement came over the intercom, everyone was stunned. In the picture above, most of the focus is on John-John saluting his father's casket.  Caroline had a book, wonder what it was?

The next four days consisted of being glued to the television set for hours, going to church on Sunday and watching the funeral. I didn't think there was anything I missed seeing fifty years ago but there was. There was a special unit from the Irish Army who performed close order drill of the last salute at Arlington. Most impressive. I do not subscribe to any conspiracy theories because most everyone is dead and if there was a conspiracy, nothing important came of it in the long run.

On a less serious note Friday was also a day of minor aggravation at our household. The new freezer has been gently unfreezing it's contents. The local dealer came today, defrosted it, replaced the timer unit, it was still under guarantee. Yay!!

Also I hopped in the car to go meet a friend for lunch and ticka-ticka-ticka-brrrrrrrrt. Dead battery. Called Les Schwab who came and gave a jump. He said the back upper gate was ajar and probably ran the battery down. Um, would that have caused the car alarm to go off yesterday? Yeah probably. Thanks! Drove to fill the tank and retired from battle.

We are having a few days of extreme sunshine and crispy cold nights. Oregonians do not do well in the winter when it is sunny, we get disoriented driving and having bright sunshine strobe through the trees. Drive carefully out there!

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