Wednesday, January 17, 2024

OWIES 2024

Well, I have learned a couple of things due to recent events.

Last Tuesday, I turned wrong at Davita and extravasated.  The needle punched into tissue and was very ouchie until the maching was turned off. Got immediate swelling of right forearm.  I was taken off about two hours early.  So Vicks Vapor rub applied to bruise works surprisingly well. Heparin will be held until this coming Thursday.  Now it only itches and is UGLY!

Then last Wednesday, I got a can of beans out of the large drawer.  I turned backward to it to push it shut.  My lovely wool socks were no good.  Gravity won, I crashed my right hip on the edge of the drawer.  Tim and Carolyn got me up.  Plans were made to empty that large drawer and put goods in pantry. I now have left over quart jars and lids are now stored in that drawer.  I have to add several more canned goods to the pantry from the cupboards below the microwave.  Yay!!!

Also Phil called today to march me one more time to replace printer driver. Viola!! It now prints, Now I can blog and print to my hearts desire.  It is a good day Thaank you brother !!!

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