Sunday, June 11, 2017

Late night comedy

I recently discovered the I Heart Radio icon on my Kindle apps.  There is a sub category of comedy.  Lots of short bits by various stand up comics.  Extremely funny, and laugh out loud mostly except for the stand ups sound like they are experimenting.

I got to thinking what if I tried Stand Up?  Hmm, first of all there is a generation gap...of several generations.  The average audience is up to the minute. Who would want to listen to Grandma?

Pretty sure menopause jokes would not umm resonate.  And I have listened to The Moth Hour which is sometimes funny and the audience seems pretty accepting.  So the best I could hope for is an audience of empathetic NRP hipsters.  I don't even have an NPR type name like Ndinka Apenbaum.

Soooo....relying on life experience here goes. I worked for 35 years in Health Care, specifically medical records.  That basically meant that I could spell it and did not have to smell it.  One of my very earliest doctor was a lovely old fellow who needed help changing the tape on the dictation machine.  All he wanted was for me to take the tape out and turn it to side B.

Prior to that my early life experiences including learning practical things.  I have yet to determine why it did not occur to Mom to tell me to subtract the monthly bank fee BEFORE writing the bouncing check. 

One time I was short of enough change to purchase soap at the laundromat and looked around, there was no one in the place but there was a pay phone.  So thinking fast I dialed zero and asked the operator if she could give me change for a quarter.  No ma'am.  I also learned that colorful yarn booties would shrink to a size minus zero when washed in hot water. Pretty sure Mom told me about that but I forgot.

G'night folks, you have been great!!!

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