Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm melting, oh what a wicked world..................eep

We are having a heat wave here on the sunny Oregon coast. I mention sunny because the evil wicked weatherman explained that there is a tropical high just off the coast allowing all the hot Arizona weather to come here for a couple of days.

I went outside earlier at work to take some books to the car and it felt warmish. Later at 4 pm I went outside to get in the car. The car has a temperature gauge, it peered up at it and gasped it read 101 degrees!


I cranked on the AC and by the time I crept home it had gone to 103

OY! It simply did not feel that hot. I watched the local news and officially it was 93 at the North Bend airport and people were emailing pictures of temperature gauges; one was from North Bend and it clearly showed 105 degrees. I spent the evening fainting in my chair with the box fan on. Today is going to be another hot day, so get out the sun block, people!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the fact we are having an extended summer, all too soon I will be bitching about the rain and cold. now go get a bowl of ice and sit in front of the AC

Anonymous said...

I'll trade you a little, we had snow yesterday.