Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Meet Flo and Stephanie

This is a picture of Flo from those ubiquitous Progressive Insurance advertisements. She has bright red lips, long eyelashes and really cranky hair that is under control with a headband, makes her head an odd shape, but that's television for you.
I became curious about her and hoped to see a "real" picture of Flo.

It turns out that Flo is really Stephanie Courtney, and who is MUCH prettier than Flo.
But that's google for you.
Who knows about the car insurance...I have low insurance premiums because I am old and have a home and car insurance that is combined. DISCOUNT!!


Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that Flo has quite the cult following. I've seen the commercials, but never heard them, they look annoying. I think that this woman also has a new TV show coming out...hmm.

Anonymous said...

Dunno about cults, and the ads ARE annoying, but I was just curious to see if she looked better in "person" y'see. She has such odd hair makes her head look lumpy and elongated. R

Phil said...
