Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Mystery, Mental hijinks and Medicine

Yesterday was eventful.

Mystery:  I had planned on my annual making of pumpkin pies for yesterday.  As I have gotten older, I have decided to spread out the prep time over several days; day one pumpkin pies, day two cranberry jello relish, day three dressing, day for das bird which has been very correctly thawing in the fridge.

I assembled my can of Pumpkin with Libby! Libby! Libby! On the label! label! label and four eggs, bulk Splenda, cinnamon and allspice. Peel and stick pie dough.  Big Tupperware bowl.  Stirring spoon. Pie plates, plates, plates.  Where are the damn pie plates!?  They were not lodged precariously in the lower cupboard on top of canned goods where I usually store them.  

MENTAL HIJINKS: Where did I move the pie plates??? Looked high, looked low, frustrated decided to saddle up and go to the store for pie plates and um bananas.  I also got labs taken care of.  While waiting to go to the lab I called husband, please look in the drawer next to the garbage can, Nope.  Please look on top of the freezer. Nope.  Thanks.

Went to McKay's directly after and found some lovely large fluted Pyrex pie plates and a few fingers of bananas. Returned home.

I made the pies.  I mixed the  mixtures together and poured into the crusts and baked them at 350 for 45 minutes.  Perfect. Cool in oven.

MEDICINE:  Earlier this morning I received a call from NSI about stem cell infusion.  I had decided after some research online and the fact that a relative has undergone the same. that I might benefit. So I am scheduled for an infusion in Clearwater, Florida on 12-14.  I will be getting a whole bunch of information.  The site video was very interesting, it explained that the stem cell infusion not only effects the kidney tissue, there is potential for effecting the diabetes.  I find this sensational and why doesn't the medicine  devouring public know more about this?   I did ask about piano lessons. Hardy, har, har.

MEDICAL RELATED TRAVEL:  Ugh.  I have booked flights to and from and there are NO, NONE, ZERO commuter flights available from North Bay/Coos Bend for the period.  NONE!!!  So we will drive five hours to Portland.  However, we will go the day before, over night in an airport facility, take a short train ride to the terminal and arrive all fresh for security check in.  Yay. And now I play telephone reservationist for two facilities in Portland and Clearwater.  I hope Clearwater has a courtesy shuttle and senior discount.  In a perfect world...… 

MYSTERY SOLVED: Later in the evening about 9:30 pm, I remembered where I had moved the pie plates. Sure enough they are stacked sideways in a large roomy lower drawer that usually holds my large jars of aging flour and real sugar.  Informed husband this morning and we celebrated that senility at this point was temporary. 

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