Saturday, December 21, 2019

THAT just happened

Yesterday was my run around day, pick up meds, get some breakies and shop for a few groceries.

The pharmacy opens at 9 am.  I parked in front of Frazier's thrilled that I had plenty of space to park.  I had missed the seniors, I like to think of myself as a juniorish senior.  The workers were still hard at their place of employment and I was not.

I got out of the car and noticed a young woman.  I thought she was one of the polite churchy folk who nod politely ready to offer up tracts if the need should occur.

As I got closer it was apparent that this unkempt 30ish woman wearing dirty clothes was possibly not taking her antipsychotic meds.  She said, "Lady, I want to talk to you. " I replied "I don't want to talk to you. She continued to speak saying she was in the witness protection program etc etc.  I kept walking to the pharmacy. 

I got my meds and started to go into Frazier's.  I saw Crazy Lady down a couple of stores talking to a couple of little old ladies.

I went inside, sat at a table and perused the paper.  In a few minutes the two little old ladies and Crazy Lady came inside.  Oh, this should be interesting.  I settled back to watch surreptitiously over the edge of a well worn Register Guard. 

It was a good five minutes before the slower of the two wait persons came by to give me a menu.  The one egg breakfast with hash browns looked good.  I waited. Some people came and went. I waited.

I noticed that Crazy Lady got up and wandered off to the bathroom in the back.  More waiting.  Slow wait person took order of someone who came in after me.  I waited to be noticed.

After about five minute Slow person headed to the back because Crazy Lady had not come back.  She was gone quite a while.  Eventually Crazy Lady was escorted to the front and out of the establishment  I waited to be noticed.  A good ten minutes went by.

The other little Wait person was whizzing around handing out water menus and cutlery as she poured coffee, chatted, delivered dishes, checks and picked up the empty tables.  She was moving so fast I could not catch her eye.

Sigh.  I checked to see if the menu had a phone number on it, ooh yes!  I dragged out my wind up phone and called the number.  

A voice answered, "Frazier's."

I said,"Um I would like to get some service."

"Okaaaay, what do you need."

"I am sitting at the table just inside the door. I would like to order breakfast."

"I'll be right there."

She scurried over very apologetic. She explained that she was so busy with Crazy Lady that I got lost I the shuffle.  She also said using the phone was a good idea. She took my order and it was not very long before breakfast arrived with coffee. Yum!

I reflected that is was very good thing that husband had refused the offer to have breakfast with me.  He would have stomped out well before Crazy Lady even showed  up.  Phew; disaster one, husband zero.

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