Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Books, Tech, Fort Lauderdale church? and medical musing

I love my books.  I actually wish my living room wall consisted of floor to ceiling cabinets that hold nothing but books.  Sigh..

I have about 3000 actual books and about 1300 eBooks on my Kindle.  The Kindle function has a voice reader option.  Click on the icon at the bottom the page and listen to a mildly robotic voice with odd pronunciation.  I love to listen to  my audible books but I only have about 20, many of my books are not available.  

Yesterday for no particular reason I asked Alexa if she could read one of my books.  Nope.  Alexa do you have a book reading app?  She recommended KaSa.  I found the app, opened it, entered State, entered phone number and hit return.  It stated loading, I let it run about 12 HOURS.  I figured it was loading all 1300 books perhaps by voice file.  I finally shut it down at 10 pm.  Felgercarb!

Early that morning I asked Alexa how to load this program, no joy there.  I downloaded a free 1001 Hints for Kindle that included many Alexa how to's.  Every direction I tried not worky because I don't have a recognized device, apparently that includes the Kindle. If I purchase an Echo, there is the promise of getting Alexa to read my books through that device.  I looked at the directions, promises to come on immediately on plugging in.  At this point I want a friend or relative to sound off on that.  So.....

A while back, on the assumption that someone on Kindle was listening, I yelled, "Jeff!  Make my Kindle into a phone!"  Well, whaddya know?  As I was going through my 1001 tips there was a whole section on turning the Kindle into a phone!  I must not have been the only person yelling into my Kindle.  I perhaps did not give this app enough thought. "Jeff!  Let me unplug my Kindle so it operates on any 5G network." Not gonna happen.

Lastly sort of, I have been watching my favorite web site in Fort Lauderdale.  The empty field next to the bridge has been developed.  I cannot find out what purpose the building assembled actually served.  I have seen lots of cars parked there on Sunday, maybe its a church?  The building is square and does not display a cross.  Google! What church's do not display a cross, oh, modern ones, uh thanks. 

Lastly, I noticed yesterday that I could no longer hear an occasional pause in my pulse.  This has bothered me a while back and was seen by my doc who said, let us schedule an echocardiogram.  Dr. Crane scribbled on the report a little of this valve, a little bit of that valve, keep blood pressure under control.  Ok, working on that, no change in meds.

When I noticed that I could no longer hear the missed beats, I wondered how come?  Lemme see Google what are the symptoms of prolapsed mitral valve?  Of the ten symptoms I only have two and a half.  Prolapse mitral valve is treated with a beta-blocker.  Oh got that covered with Metoprolol.  I will merely mention to my doc next time and ask her what she thinks.  Just call me Dr. Whut?

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