Saturday, December 28, 2019


Last evening husband said he had a coincidence.  These usually consist of weak to not even close to nope.  His coindicdence was a number 1789.  He keeps seeing it.  He maintained it was an important date.  Maybe the Declaration. of Indepedence.  Um nope that was 1776.  You know you could Google that.  (repetitive cricket chirp)

This morning I Googled American history 1789.  It took me to a nifty web site where you enter any date or name and lookee there!  So what popped up was Inauguration of George Washington and ratification of the Constitution.  Wow what took so long, longish ramblish chat about the big 13 not being all that agreeable about a great many things. Guvmint is complicated.

I Facebooked a message to my youngest brother, Jim.  He has been living in the Phillipines for several months.  He makes money by flying to work in Alaska at any variety of things usually mechanic.  

Christmas is his birthday so I sent Birfday happy happy.  Did hear back for a couple days.  Couple day later, brother Phil posted that the Typhoon with winds to 118 mph hit central PI.  He and his young lady drove two hours to Cebu to purchase a generator.  Infrastructure won't be back online for two months.  He also had to get his phone fixed.  The house was not damaged so they are not in a shelter. Phew!!!

Here is a thought.  NRA is defending the second amendment vociferously.   Why not tax ammunition?  Make it sliding scale. 22's a buck a piece. Larger caliber the wons most ofteb used in crime including murder, cost more MUCH MUCH more.

Such a tax would create a few things.

Sudden market restriction would prompt hoarding, thus less random shooting in Chicago for instance.  As ammunition gets more expensive and harder to steal, I predict the gangs will convert to sling shots using marbles or ball bearings.

Bullets will even be used in barter for food, alcohol, drugs and sex.  Some free health clinics will accept bullets as a fee for treatment.  They will in turn make it clear pulic policy that no ammunition will be kept on site. Only in position of the bouncers.  

Could be a weirder world with fewer deaths from lead poisoning.

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