Sunday, December 22, 2019


I was reminiscing about Christmas parties which I have attended. There have not been many parties, mostly family stuff.
One of the actual parties I attended was the annual children's Christmas Party put on by Idaho Power Company.  Richard and I each received a stocking with mostly hard candy. I think we watched a cartoon and endured Santa.  

One of the best seasons was as a young teen.  Richard and I had been "invited" by our neighbor to help fill baskets for the Elks Club.  Then we went out to distribute the gifts.  We stopped at one little old ladies house. She was so happy, she cried all over us.  I really enjoyed the visit. 

As an adult I worked in Barrow.  They threw a mean party. there was blinking ties, goofy gifts, great food.  The filipino population made lumpia and pansit, yummy stuff.  The native staff brought muktuk, plain the Tex/Mex version and pickled. The native association had pretty spendy drawings. A friend won a good sized brand new outboard motor. 

When I moved to Coquille, the place had the best darn potlucks.  Remembering back to WKMH I remember one of the department managers brought paper plates.  I remember thinking she would sell you the shirt off her back.  CVH had a terrific party.  Tables lined the hallway. Kitchen supplied ham or turkey and all the fixings.  There was  a gift exchange. Once the new hospital was built the pot lucks simply sponeaneously stopped.  Sad.

Last night I just happened to watch Storage Wars.  It was a Chrismas special.  Dan and Laura threw a party.  Every one was invited except Hester. The guests were all of the usual suspects.  Each guest was to bring a wrapped gift for a exchange.  Rene brought a lump coal. The gambler thought  his gift was an asteroid (no meteorite),  He thught he had millions. The show was quite amusing. I am pretty sure it will be playing again soon.  Careful what you wish for. 

Lastly, the picture above reminded of a conversation husband and I had at a local restaurant when we went out for breakfast.   We were chatting over the choices on the menu, other places we liked and favorite dishes.  He mumbled something.  What did you say? Gordon Golden Steak Sauce.  Um I think you meant Gorgonzola steak sauce? We laughed so hard the waitress wanted to know what was funny, we explained badly but she laughed as well.  Check  please.  Can I get a box?

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