That is UGLY! I was working at my desk today when the wound care nurse stopped in to inspect my injury on a purely voluntary basis.
I had gone in without band-aids, just Neosporin ointment. She asked me if I needed glasses to see the computer. Um, yeah, I need glasses to see the end of my nose.
Oh you can't have those eyepieces resting on the bridge of your nose like that, come with me.
So, I followed here down the hall to her treatment room. She said it looked like there was no infection (good) and that I should be scrubbing with soap and water, do NOT use hydrogen peroxide to clean wound, soap and water is the ticket. Okay.
Then she put a special kind of membrane band-aid on my nose, it is all puffy.
She started laughing. Go look in the mirror, bruiser! Oh yeah, bruiser it is.
People kept asking me all day if I had surgery. Yep, new nose.
And as you can see the raccoon eyes are filling in nicely. Can hardly wait for them to turn green, yellow and purple. yeach.
Oh yes, I am not the only walking wounded. Our surgeon dived into a shallow lake and bashed his noggin as well. I haven't seen him but he wears a mask most of the time anyway.
Makes a person rethink about the merits of taking up the veil, or chador or the burka. Hard to type in a burka.
You coulda been a contender....
Yep, I also learned that hydrogen peroxide is not used to clean wounds because it kills new cell growth, can retard healing and can even cause scars. Oh my...
Good for gargling away tooth gunk though. The cell killing thing and all. R
Ay - now I know what you mean with racoon-eyes. Tell them you had a bar fight.
I hope it all heals well.
Say, is the spider web still there?
spider web are gone, husband performed spider patrol with big stick. I think a good power wash would do it as well. We actually have spiders living in our car, they come out and put new webs on the rear view mirrors. Car wash does not flush them out. R
yeowiee...it makes for a good story though.
One of the nurses asked the surgeon how he hurt his nose, He replied, "Cage fighting". So now she is going to start a rumor that he was cage fighting.....me. Well I could trip him, sit on him and he wouldn't be getting back up soon.
If one wants to get rid of me - it's very simple: Put a spider in the car and sent me on the Autobahn. Arachnophobia rules!
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