Tuesday, August 3, 2010


If you have not seen the Direct TV commercial; open Google, type You Tube Direct TV pygmy giraffe. Play to your hearts content. Don't miss the dogs playing poker in the opening shot. First words out of his mouth are "Opulence, I has it."

I still thinks it is the cutest commercial I have seen in a while.

And now for a dream interpretation.

A couple nights I woke from a dream where I was walking around a large new industrial complex, had all sorts of people walking here and there. I was carrying something. I finally saw what looked like a reception area. I walked up and seated behind a desk was one of our nurse administrators, I exclaimed, "Jane! I'm so happy to see you! Where do I take these?" and gestured to what I was carrying. She looked at them and said, "Oh you just go back outside, across the courtyard and into the garage and come in again from there, you will find bookkeeping." Sure enough I looked down and I was holding about one hundred bright blue time cards. Then I woke up.

I looked up "Lost" as a general theme at the dream interpretation web site and got what I figured it meant, I am looking for direction or have lost my way in my life.

Um, not quite. The alternative meaning was being lost could represent new occurrences in my life that have forced me to examine the direction I am taking.

Hmmm, pretty heavy stuff. I will partially accept the secondary meaning because the landscape at work changes constantly with the plans for the new facility and some of the ongoing drama within the department. It seems like somebody has to be excited about something ALL the time.


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