Sunday, October 3, 2021


SPACE DREAM: I woke early this morning and documented a space dream. There was a problem with the re-entry vehicle. Oxygen was leaking. The vehicle was half way into the descent and there was not enough fuel to return to the ISS. Suggestion made that as much stuff as possible be jettisoned. That was not a good idea because no matter how careful the jettison went there was still air leakage. NASA ran all sorts of possibilities. It was then suggested that any or all ground vehicles load a lot of oxygen tanks for a mid orbit rendevouz to add O2 to the descending rocket. It was hoped that if O2 ran out that the astronauts could parachute. Problem, no parachetes. The tailing parachute could not be modified in time. Time is a factor. OXYGEN: Represnts renewal. SURVIVAL: Means you will prevail over current problems.

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