Tuesday, October 19, 2021


NEVER HAVE I EVER...had this dream before I woke from a dream this morning. It involved Susan Sarandon and Harrison Ford. They were a pair of contestants. They had a luxury suite with one bedroom, bath, living room, kitchen with a deck. They were in the bedroom. Susan was wearing a white silk bra and panties. She dashed into the kitchen. Harrison followed. She grabbed a bagel, cut it in half and spread cream cheese on it. She took a bite. Then Harrison grabbed the bagel and chewed and swallowed. He wiped his hand on her white bra. Then he kisser with a deep passionate kiss. Woo Woo. The first contest was a cooking contest. The ingredients were a nice thick steak, some appropriate veggies and caramel to be made into some type of dessert. Slusan warned that the best caramel to choose was the hardest. The only ones I could find were all soft. Doom, doom I tell you. All of the officers were housed on the blue ship. Every morning the dived into the ocean and swam to the various white ships. They rotated to serve on each ship every day. Who ever won the contest did not win anything but fame. CELEBRITIES: However one feels about him and her. WHITE: perfection, cleanliness, new beginnings. BLUE: Truth, wisdom, tranquility. CARAMEL: Sweet situation that could turn into a sticky situation. If something sounds to good to be true, then it is probably not true.

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