Wednesday, May 13, 2020

If I were stinking rich, I would do many good deeds before I purchased the Tioga Hotel in downtown Coos Bay.  It is a venerable building about 12 stories or more tall. 

I would keep the tallest floor as home for myself and husband.  The roof would be reconfigured for helicopter landing pad and the combination green house and place of worship.  I would also hire a beekeeper/gardener.

Next level down would be salt water swimming pool.  Life Guard on duty. There would be room for a complete gym with trainer available.

The rest of the levels would be apartments for all of my relatives.  Anyone can come subject to availability.  Book early!

At least one level of housing available for personnel and business managers.  I would have a very good lawyer on retainer. I would also have a man of God on retainer.

The bottom two floors are commercial and I would remodel the restaurant to top end kitchen.  The business would be leased.  They would also cater for occupants of the building.  There will be fabulous room service.

Also if there is a garage I will upgrade.  There will be topnotch mechanics.  They will also be available with a tow truck. 

All mechanicals will be upgraded and will be located in the basement. 

I will add a very large frieght elevator to the back of the building.

The garage will be large enough for guests to park including fairly large RV's.

There will be maid service and Nanny's.

There will be an on call physician as well as RN's.

There will be a concierge as well as security.

In addition, I will purchase building suitable for the homeless with all services they need.  I will provide employment for them.

Almost forgot, there will be counseling available.

If I have forgotten anything, do let me know.  I just love daydreaming.

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