Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Idiot Proof

We have idiot proofed the house as much as possible.  My lovely pleather chair which heats and massages is enconced in the living room.  My channel changer has been secured to the adjacent table via cording and many rubber bands.  I can now retrieve if  it falls.  My Kindle is plugged in and charging.  The spare is in the bag that goes with me to dialysis.

My clothing that fits is in five heavy plastic shopping bags. They contain panties, socks, bras, shirts and pants. My shoes are arranged neatly beneath the old school bench which Mom used for growing violets. I have five or six sweaters draped on the back of the Herman Miller office chair.  I do have a few hangers with clothing in the downstairs closet. 

There are several signaling devices. They are round medallion type things.  They sound like a bell ringing.  One is in the bathroom, one is on the lamp next to my chair, one is by the stove and of course in the upstairs bedroom.  I have a grabber for picking up stuff or reaching for out of reach stuff.

For years now husband has been purchasing large containes of peanut butter filled crackers.  The empty ones are ideal for filling cereal, pasta, etc.  I have elimited many glass things that could come crashing down.

We have adequate phonage, including cell phones which I hardly use.  Husband is advocating the I get a smart phone.  I do like the "how do I get there" apps.

There no rugs to trip or fall, except there is a small rug in the downstairs bathroom.  Husband also had Reece Electric come and install a timer on the light switch so we don't run the heater too long.  Oh, did I do that!?

I purchased an attachment to the sink with a hose so that I may wash my hair and perform bathing functions. I love it!! Wish I had room for one of those sitting bathtubs.  oooh!

I also have one of those rolling chairs which I can use if I get dizzy.  I seldom do that and have learned to sit up before rising.  I do use the chair for transportation of lunch etc. to the living room.

The smoke alarms work, because recently I roasted some pepper to make the very fancy tamale pie.  They finally quite after I turned on the thing on the stove.  We are still eating tamale pie.

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