Friday, January 17, 2020

Writing challenge

A friend of mine is a writer.  She did not start out that way.  I first heard about her in Barrow.  She was the optometrist's main squeeze.  Everyone knew Grant was dating a beautiful blond bombshell.

When next we actually met was  a decade or so later in Dillingham.  She was a stay at home mom with two gorgeous girls. The husband was located at the hospital there while I was working in the medical record  department.  

Over the course of a year and multiple yard sales,  Boone shared that she was trying her hand ar writing. I read a rough draft of one of her stories. It had a nifty twist where the bad guy was struck a lightning bolt that hit a church steeple.  

It was not too long after I returned to Coquille that she began successfully writing as Boone Brux.  She wrote about a soccer mom reaper.  Which if you think about it is quite a combination.

So when I had a very short dream, I thought of Boone and how this topic would be a writing challenge amongst herself and her favorite lady authors.

Here is my little snippet of a dream.

I saw a girl with her back turned to me. She was wearing raggedy cut off jeans, a shirt tied above her waist.  She wore a belt made of dollar sized gold coins.  That is the sum total of my snippet of dream.

Here is the challenge.  I want a story from you and your cohorts consisting of 85 to 90 pages.  Tell me the story about the Girl Wearing A Gold Belt.  Any genre, any time, place or universe.  

How did she get there?  Are there aliens, dinosaurs, cowboys or rocket ships involved ?  Has she figured out the meaning of life?  

I do wish I were an editor for a posh magazine. I would give this writing project to a favorite group of writers to go into an anthology.  Okay, ladies go have a cuppa and hit the keyboard.  Can't wait to read this!

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