Thursday, October 24, 2019

Stand back, people

Warning, I am going into cranky old lady mode.

Above is a close but not exactly as messy  kind of modern hair style that I have come to dislike very much.  Most recently I was watching a client on HGTV who was touring a potential house.  Her hair was like this only messier.  I was so distracted by it, that I kept losing concentration, or consciousness.  I forget which.

My complaint is this, if you can afford that hundred dollar, carefully tinted, cut and styled hair style, please, PLEASE look in a mirror once in a while and run a brush through the more unruly bits.

I am sure that this style is one that may have evolved on either a "Housewives.." show or a fashion runway somewhere and I cheerfully remain ignorant of each.  Let's be frank, here I find  the style unattractive at best and downright ugly at worst.  I could start a Go Fund Me page for combs... heh

Also another pet peeve for which I occasionally roll my eyes are the earnest young, confidently opinionated women who blithely comment in a sort of gritty voice that is intended to display their superiority in taste, class and wealth.  Um, is this a learned accent similar to the voice of the Impwessive bishop in "The Princess Bride" where the sermon begins "mewwage…" ???

I am also contemplating taking my cane out and about with me.  I purchased one a few years ago for rehabilitation exercises for my right arm when  I went bouncy, bouncy down a flight of stairs and wound up with muscles that needed to be trained.  

I have found myself wishing for a handy reaching device while shopping, when my five foot even height is inadequate to reach that bottle of pickles.  Said bottle is usually made of glass and I don't want to hazard a crash from an awkward reach.  Standing there looking cute, lost and helpless has not worked since I was about age five.  So I could station the basket beneath the prize and give it a little nudge. Yay!  Pickles!!

In the mean time I shall keep my own locks at least clean and combed until next time I go in for shave and hair cut, six bits.  If only and maybe try a bright iridescent blue hair color.  Get out yer Raybans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Then you would hate my hair, I have taken on the messy suits me well.