Wednesday, May 29, 2019


It has been a while since the kerfluffle over the use of the three drug protocol for administering the death sentence.  One of the drugs suddenly became highly unavailable.  And there has been arguments in favor of the drug shortage.

Those folk who are against the death penalty were cheered and were critical that these drugs administered incorrectly was cruel and unusual punishment.

The drugs used consist of sodium thiopental (anesthetic), pancuronium bromide (paralyzing substance) and potassium chloride (stops cardiac activity).  

I don't have much of an opinion either way on the question.  I think part of the consideration in sentencing is for the judge to consider if that person is too dangerous to live. 

I believe that many people sentenced to murder killed due to the circumstances or opportunity and those crimes are certainly unforgiveable.  Some of those folk may even rehabilitate.  However life isn't "Shawshank Redemption".

I have wondered why the officials involved do not consider a simpler cheaper method of administering the sentence.

I wonder if they have thought of an insulin over dose?  It certainly wouldn't take much depending on the normal blood sugar of the prisoner and death itself would consist of going to sleep due to extremely low blood sugar.  There would be no pain.

Also, it would be illegal to take advantage of the opioid epidemic but a prisoner could overdose and go out on a somewhat happy note.  Again no pain.  Of course the relatives of the victim who appear as witnesses might want a bit of suffering to ensue. 

I can see tons of lawyers lining up on each side of this argument but the advantage would be the ready availability of any of the above drugs for the dénouement. 

I am thankful that I am not required to be judge, jury or executioner. I tend to come down on the let 'em do eternal time in prison school of thought.

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