Sunday, November 25, 2012

Dead Freezer

The freezer is dead, long live the freezer, sob, sob, sob.

Another major appliance bites the dust in the household.

Got several calls at work from husband declaring imminent death of the freezer, what are we going to do on a Sunday, not only a Sunday but Black. Friday. Sunday. Weekend.  !!!!

Okay call around. 

The only place open is Sears who are booked solid for delivery until next Friday.  Can we fit a small freezer in the back of the van?

Um, not really.

Um, okay, wait until I get home we will save what we can.

Got off at 3 pm, started examining the alarmingly softening contents.  Went directly to refrigerator and jerked out everything to make room for several pounds of butter, and some boxed frozen things until packed completely full.

Pulled out several bags of frozen fruit, allowed them to thaw.
Dragged out the picnic cooler and put in the freezer bag things with some other semi-frozen goodies.

Pulled out several packages of bagels, well out dated, not worth saving.  Pulled out items that can actually survive nicely on a shelf,they were just taking up freezer space.

Net loss, lots of well aged freezer burned bread.  Am currently creating more croutons for dressing by drying three loaves of bread in the oven.  

I pulled all of the dried fruit and nuts I have on hand and put them all in a nice container. From this I will make several loaves of Christmas Fruit Cake.   It's all good.

Husband will call a local appliance store tomorrow and depending on whether the local guys are willing to haul off the empty freezer, we will be freezing sometime tomorrow afternoon.  Oy!

I am eyeing suspiciously anything electrical that may suddenly become the halt and the lame.  Wait...there's nothing left!!  Um, is that a good thing or a bad thing? 

One good thing, you should clean out your frost free freezer once each time the appliance dies on you.  Meh...

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