The Mathematics of M-theory.
I saw a television show that sort of explained M-theory and how it is sort of going to finish Einstein’s field theory work. It was explained with very clever pictures of what these complex mathematics represent. There are apparently 11 dimensions that explain all of this. Many smart people have pulled together several theories that sort of support each other and mesh into an over all explanation. Resembles game of Blind Man’s Bluff. Take your favorite large hanky to cover your eyes.
As near as I understand it, M-theory (the M stands for Membrane) is an invisible untouchable membrane that exists and keeps all of our multi-verses separate and keeps anti-matter from colliding with matter and destroying the universe. Yeah, one theory is that two membranes touched and created the Big Bang!!
The following then are a few words I outright stole from an article on The Mathematics of M-Theory by Robbert Dijkgraaf. Nice brainy fellow.
Cohomology – this is the study of boundaries in topology and lots of wicked numbers and equations support the definition.
Conformal field theory is something that preserves angles. I got yer angle RIGHT here.
Lagrangian Formalism is a summary of the dynamics of the system. Em, okay.
Riemann surfaces – really complex linear planes, like a winding staircase.
Pedagogical – means teacher.
Heuristically – means experience based technique. I am experienced in medical transcription and can teach someone heuristically, unless I killed them first.
Branes – nick name for Membranes because there is seems to be an infinite number of branes, these are identified by P-branes and so on. Maybe they will branch out to numbers such as 666-branes.
Fermion number – subatomic critters
Euler number named after Leonhard Ehler some more high-energy physicians math.
Gluing – not your regular gluing, this is to do with gluing a sphere with 4 holes together from two copies of the three holed sphere which gets you precisely no where on your commute home.
Gerbes – are generalizations of line bundles and do not play on wheels at night.
Complexified – actually means beyond complex and is a proper term and can cause grinding of teeth.
Orbifold singularities – high energy physics. Duck there goes one now! I am imagining a precise Origami stork blasting through the universe, zipping in and out of black holes.
Torus compactifications – nuclear and particle physics. Sort of shaped like a bull.
Hilbert space bundle – gets you a map to the tubular neighborhood.
Narain lattice – means something broke spontaneously and was fixed with Ranch dressing
Gauge invariant curvature – whatever this thing is, it is invisible.
Hermicity condition – complex algebra that hermits would not recognize.
Chern character is a short set of letters that describes a much longer equation.
Reals.—honest the author used the word “reals” as a noun. I am sure it is tasty.
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I highly recommend that you round up to the next whole dollar then subtract when balancing your checkbook. That way you will have a nice invisible cushion. Shh don't tell anyone!