Tuesday, November 23, 2021


I woke from a dream where husband I were visiting a desert country. He was invited to participate in a contest The first contest was where a grid of men seven by . He was in the second row, sixth position. The object of the contest was to toss the block of wood so that it landed on its end. The wood was about one foot tall by four inches by four inches. Husband did not progress. The second game involved catching frogs. Husband made sure his missed his frog. The third contest involved a herd of sheep. The object was to pull as much fleece off as possible with one hand. The biggest handful of fleece won. Husband grabbed fleece from the head and was surprised when the whole head of fleece came off in his hand. The fleece was a white as cotton and very fluffy. CONTEST: The need to prove value of onself. WHITE: Purity, perfection. SEVEN: Mental perfection (except for the petit mal and general forgetfull ness.

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