Thursday, September 2, 2021


CAMP LAVANN: I have been worrying about the future of Grandma LaVann's ranch. I am hoping that cousin Dennis is considering establishing a trusteeship to manage the place well into the future. I would love to see the place used as a summer camp for all children but in particular, foster kids,inner city kids, handicapped kids, abused kids, orphans. Also if Wounded Warriors was involved that would be good for both the kids and veterans. I would have the barn rebuilt so that there was a roomy loft and capable of beds for 20 or 30 kids. There would also be building set aside for handicap accessibility. There could be a small herd of sheep which would be sheared. The wool washed, carded, spun and woven or knitted into garments. Appropriate individuals to teach the skills for those who wish to learn. There could be fishing, hiking, orienteering, exploring, berry picking, wood chopping, gardening and other crafts on offer such as pottery, painting etc. In the bottom of the barn would be ten stalls for horses. There should be a cowboy and others who want to train riders. The cowboy should be skilled in horseshoeing as well as blacksmithing for shoes and hammering iron. There should be a covered pool for swimming. There should be an evening get together and taps for bedtime. The kids could also do good deeds such as pick up trash, or chop wood for people who need the help. There should be help for mental health and counseling for everyone who needs such. Any other ideas?

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