Saturday, November 28, 2020


Woke from a strange dream this morning. The first part was where Jason Mamoa (sigh) was cooking a huge pot of spaghetti sauce. There was a nice meat sauce bubbling away and he added chopped fresh tomatoes. There were also six apples prepped for roasting. The second part of the dream was a bar. All of the male bartenders were putting on wigs and make up to look like Jason Mamoa. The third part of my dream was that I dreamed that Jason Mamoa was showing how to build a log cabin. The top area was left open for air circulation. The next three feet or so were end cut logs wedged apart in order to stuff with insulation. Dream symbols are cooking, celebrity and log cabin. A to Z dream site says that cooking shows my desire to influence others or to express my creativity To dream of a celebrity is to believe in what the celebrity is known for. For instance, Jason Mamoa is well known for his love of family and conservation. To dream of a log cabin indicates success, self reliable, independent, humility and that I prefer the simpler things in life. I ain't complicated. Good news. I wonder what the symbol for good humor is, gonna remain a mystery for the time being.

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