Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Medical things and other excitement!

Oh, dear.  This morning I woke up all sweaty and decided I had better go get some OJ.  I progressively became weaker as I clutched the stair rail and dizzy kicked in.  Well, that's new. 

Gulped down the rest of the OJ on hand and staggered over to the desk.  I opened up the computer and tried to sign on. I had forgotten my password, well the back half of it.  AND I completely forgot where I had even put the password, didn't think about it actually.  

I eventually staggered into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.   Got out the frozen waffles, butter and bottle of water for tea.  Got paper plate for waffles.  Got cup, knife, spoon, packets of Splenda.  Swell, what next?  I could not keep organized, kept going around in circles trying to get started.  I have never been this disoriented.  Strange sensation, I must say. 

Husband concerned, Bless him.  I left a message with my doc.  They will call back in 24 to 48 hours.  Hmph.  So I did a little Googling and discovered that better carb loading after Insulin is a GOOD thing.  And I kind of love eating, veggies and cookies it is!!!

Also had labs done Monday for Dr. Kumar.  Kidney values are dropping into the dialysis zone.  We are driving over Friday, I believe I will be spending afternoon next door at the dialysis center...bugger.  Husband is prepping Kindle with movies and such.  I have tons of books to either read or listen to.  Hope the chairs are comfy.  Taking my blankie in case the room is cold.   Hope to connect with Bay Area dialysis unit for future use.

Also, I will be collecting a years worth of office visits to present to SSI for extra payment for end stage kidney disease.  no idea how much extra.  Kind of doubt it will cover mileage let alone taxi fees for round trips to Coos Bay.  Keeping fingers crossed.  Anyone got type B blood? That is all it takes to match for a kidney.  Eesh would not relish the permanent moon face from steroids but that would fill out the facial wrinklies. 

Another weird thing I NEVER saw coming is that my ears have gotten slower.  I have noticed lately that I have begun noticing that people are talking faster, the news people sound like fairly steady rapid fire speaking, how did I miss this?  I catch a little K drama on my Facebook feed, what I hear is rapid fire chipmunk speak and I get the giggles.  The tiny women are cute. But the tall slim men? Hilarious!  And the bigger bad guys?   Nope! Do not feel one bit threatened.  

Also squeezed in a self haircut this morning.  Used the clippers with short guide to trim the short bits.  Left the long bits long and husband was kind enough to trim my neck.  Not bad for a half blind person handicapped without all the muscles of the right shoulder hooked back up after a major fracture.  Oh well.  Shook off the hair, got the floor swept in the bathroom.  Time for lunch, yayyyy!!!!

Oh yeah, blood pressure sucks   (lip blubber)

1 comment:

Gale said...

Stay healthy, have something stored by your bed and any place in the house that you hang out. Low blood sugars creep on you and you need something at hand. I love you