Friday, February 28, 2020


It seems Trussia is upset that his official voice has not settled the jittery market regarding THE VIRUS fears.  

Couple things:  The market has been overdue for a correction. No one thought the correction would come about due to such an external force.  Most analysts would have been looking at the financial sector as well as mergers and acquisitions.  

The Fed is yet to be heard from, however they are currently at 2 percent and is kind of feels that meager offerings in the quarter percent range may well have little to zero effect on the decline the DOW.

Trussia has one real bullet in his arsenal and that is tariff. The current tariffs can be sliced and stir fried to aid the Chinese.  Pretty sure the Prez will hang on to that advantage with grim death.  Besides there is those Billions of bucks.  However, those bucks may well dwindle rapidly as Chinese factories close.  No parts to ship, no tariff to collect. No money, no money, no money.  

Now for a short discussion of Covid 19.  There is a lot of speculation the media.  I do not rely on Anything being speculated on the web.  I would seriously advise that everyone who I know and love, ignore that stuff likewise.

CDC says wash your hands using SOAP.  Sing Happy Birthday (Inside your head) twice which is 20 seconds. Keep your hands below your neck.  Try not to shake hands.  Wave if you must, bump elbows (Looks SO stupid).  Heck, carry a hanky to keep your hands occupied.

Masks only work in two instances; If YOU are sick, wear a mask to keep other people save from YOU.  Wear a mask in places where there are lots of people; shopping, church, hospital, etc.  TIP; one of the advantages of wearing a mask on the airplane is that the air onboard is very DRY.  You recycle your own vapor and cuts down on dry air nosebleeds.

Another point to make is that the Flu is a winter thing, it will die down during the summer.  

As far as the community infection is concerned, I am sure that when CDC digs deep enough, they will find the vector where that patient at UC Davis will have had contact with someone who was exposed and transmitted the bug. 

The VP in charge of the official response to the virus is interesting, it will keep the boy occupied.  How effective that will work remains to be seen.  In the meantime, try very hard not to self panic.  Drive sensibly, wear comfortable clothing, carry tissues. Stay hydrated.  Maybe pick up a few extra groceries if you decide to stay home a little more than usual.

If all else fails may I recommend a hot toddy?

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