Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Yesterday was munching on something for lunch when I heard a muffled crunch.  Feeling carefully around inside my mouth I found a rather solid object.  It was my beautiful perfect cold molar. Snapped right off. It lasted longer than the tooth. What is left is a ragged snag that needs to be rasped off.

I shall call my local friendly dentist and get an appointment and I am prepared to beg him to spare me any attempt to save that socket. I  would rather he cap it off with a sawed  off bullet cartridge like I  saw in an old Western once.  Looked painful the cowboy bit the bullet and kept on keeping on.  Ugh.

And now for something slightly different.

I have been re-reading some of my older books on Kindle. By that I mean I went into the Amazon store and purchased the audible version and nifty pair of head phones.

I have since begun to listen to "Dies The Fire" by S.M. Stirling.  Listening is very different from actually reading.  I quite frankly have a different speaker inside my head.  Sometimes this is bit jarring when the narrator does not differentiate much between the dialog on the page.

This book has been well done.  I haven't  noticed anything egregious until in the third book of the trilogy a couple place names came up in a converstion between two characters. One place name was Philomath. The speaker said "pillow math". Another place name was Umatilla.  The speaker said "Ooma tee uh". It ain't Spanish.  

This story takes place in various places in Idaho and Oregon mostly little towns in and around the Willamette valley.  

I really enjoy listening. It's very relaxing, I may have to go fishing and see what else  would like to listen

I will let you know if I get any new choppers.  Erk.

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