Sunday, October 14, 2018



I flew to Anchorage for a week of training at ANMC on the RPMS system, in particular MUMPS programming language.  Sigh...I ain't a programmer.  But I have lots of manuals for all sorts of emergency stuff. But mostly the fall back will be reboot and pray.

I didn't do much shopping, did got to Dimond Center and purchased a soap stone carving of a bear.  The center is indeed large, has an ice skating rink, but it looks a lot like Karcher Mall, lots of empty store fronts filled with lots of artsy fartsy crafty type stuff.  

It snowed quite a bit and I decided that I liked the view just fine from my 7th story room at the Hilton.  I adore room service.  That is my idea of camping out.

The last day on the 7th was woken up with 5.1 earthquake about 35 miles south.  Bed shook back and forth, nothing fell or got damaged.  Went back to bed for a bit more of a snooze then got up, packed and drove to the airport in a foot of snow.  

I do better navigating in the daytime when I can at least see significant signs of civilization.  I floundered around the airport looking for the correct turn off to return the car.  I took a turn and didn't realize just HOW lost it was until I spotted a sign that said, "Airplanes have right of way."  Turned around, back tracked immediately and eventually found the rental place.  Gah!!!

Got home, stopped at the PO picked up a bundle of mail and I determined that Saturday mail pick up sounded like a beautiful thing.

Quick recap of my January vacation to Idaho. Spent a couple days with Carla while my luggage escaped to Las Vegas and had more fun that I did.  We went shopping to stoke up on various missing items.  We did the classic tourista thing and rode on the Space Needle until her significant other showed up and then we had dinner. I had Chicken with Peanut sauce for 18 bucks, (Barrow prices).  Not worth a repeat. But the company was fun! You can tell locals at the Space Needle because they never look at the scenery.

On to Boise the next day and spent a few quiet days visiting Mom at St. Lukes as she recovered from her CAGB (coronary artery bypass graft).  We mostly prepared and ate simple meals and spent a quiet Christmas in recovery mode.  I may have even cooked something. 

That's it for December 1991.

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