Saturday, September 29, 2018


MARCH 1991:

Interesting native names:  One of the regular patients is named Fall Leaf.  Wanna guess the first name?  Numerous.  I smile.

On the bus route we passed an igloo in someone's front yard.  It was made of large blocks of ice stacked up like bricks in a more or less square pattern.  The natives were amused, said it was probably a tunik (white) family.
Building materials are scarce up here.  There is one small building built out of what gets hauled behind a big rig, it has spray foam insulation on the outside. 

Got a cut and perm at Alma's for 40 bucks.  

Crime in Barrow.  Now remember there isn't that much road to escape from the scene of the crime.  PSO called the hospital administrator to tell her that they found her wallet.  Her house and about seven others had been burgled.  After the perp stole enough money to buy some booze from someone, he stole a car.  He wrecked the car between Browerville and NARL about 2 miles at most.  Now he is in the local jail (House of Blue).

Meet Ron Nalikak, 30 ish, very tall, also know as Ron Puk (big).  He works in ER/Outpatient.  He is a funny guy.  He has shared some of his younger life.  He drank and came close to eating a handgun.  Then he joined the Marines and it changed his life. Semper Fi. I was teasing him about the hickey on his chin and he said that was frost bite. Now, I know what frostbite looks like. 

We have ravens up here.  Big ones.  Do not know what they live on or how they manage to survive the weather.  Ye Gods.

March 25 is Sewards Day, it is a state holiday.  I will be working the reception desk answering the phones.  Ugh!!!! and resupplying the little basket of free condoms.  

GIRL SCOUT COOKIES:  March is the time of year for Girl Scout cookies.  The troop just formed last year so they are very new at selling cookies.  They were nervous about ordering 300 cartons of cookies at a cost of 10k.  The organizers told them they would never sell that many, they would be lucky to sell 75 boxes.  They sold out and could have sold more.  Thin Mints are good.

Horrible Anchorage news:  A man took a woman hostage who had sheltered with friends.  He took the entire family hostage.  He was wearing explosives.  SWAT team negotiated release of everyone but the man and the husband of the house.  They got into a truck to leave and SWAT team shot him.  The other man ran from the truck and the guy blew himself with nasty bits scattered all over the place. 

Spotted while shopping at AC (Stuakpak - big store). Taro root. The local Filipinos lke to slice and fry it.  Yummers.

As I was walking down the hallway yesterday a gentleman was sitting in a chair outside pharmacy.  A woman walked by and he beamed, "You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen"  Aw, as I walked by I heard, "You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen".  A very happy inebriated gentleman. 

Lively news from home.  This was published under Law Enforcement in The Messenger Index.  March 17, a dog attacking a duck at Fourth and Moffatt was reported.  The duck was able to get away.

Ye Gods and Little Fishes.  Judy sent me to the Borough Budget Hearings.  Ack!  I may have to drive nails into my ears.......

That's it for March 1991.

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