Thursday, August 30, 2018


1.  First of all Facebook is screwed up this morning, I cannot post as I get that Do You Want to Leave and when I do it disappears.  Dang it!

2.  I wanted to talk about Americans being denied passports because a few Texas midwives prepared illegal BC's for illegal immigrants.  
    A.  States take routine exacting protocol prior to certifying BC's especially home births requiring documentation such as baptismal certificates.  ( Pretty sure the priests won't make fakes)
    B. Why does the government want to deny passports?  Anyone can stroll across the border north and south.  Oh, because passports can be used to GET ON AIRPLANES.
   C.  Being of a suspicious nature, I would have all states keep  very strict track of all of the numbered paper BC's in circulation, STRICT I tell you. Document anything such as destruction etc.  Free idea, get it here while you can.
   D.  DOH !!

SECOND TOPIC OF THE DAY:  Education.  I was educated in the standards of the day.  Despite advances in teaching and the onslaught of history since 1965, I believe the quality of education and dumbing down of America has happened.  So my 1965 C average held up well to 1975 University requirements. (Displaced housewife doncha know).  At my last semester, I managed to make the Dean's List such as it was.
I attended the new High School in my home town, graduated in the gym just like many classes.  There we sat, en mass most politely ignoring the class pregnant girl as she marched stoically across the stage.  One of the teachers very kindly strode forward as she passed to make some inane announcement.

THIRD TOPIC OF THE DAY: Pulitzer prize.  I have wondered if there will ever be a Pulitzer for blogs.  I have only read a few Pulitzer books, one I adored.  It was The Color Purple.  The writing was Pulitzer worthy due to the subtle change from Ceelies sixth grade level education to her sisters sophisticated letters from Africa. The realization of the actual change was gentle but there, what genius. The movie just waiting in line, as the crowd emptied, this really handsome man saw us waiting and winked and told us we were going to LOVE it.  My girlfriend stammered, "Wow a sensitive man! I want him!" and surprisingly the movie was so immersive that I felt distinctly black and mourned the jerk back to reality.  On the other hand, the ONLY reason I read Cloud Atlas was because Tom Hanks was in the movie trailers.  The Pulitzer part was probably because of the post apocalyptic Hawaiian English pidgin spoke.  Gah!! I learned much later that a Cloud Atlas was a compilation of cloud forms.  Huh. Much better. My own writing is handicapped by cataracts complete with floaters. Yay, font that keeps slipping from LARGE to tiny and ignoring spell check when I THINK I AM RIGHT. Also, auto correct.  DEATH to autocorrect.  Lastly if there is a Pulitzer for humor one should obviously go to the woman who wrote "Pullet Surprise" and one should go to Dave Barry. Now I am going to Google a number for Facebook. May the Gods be with me.

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