Wednesday, September 20, 2017


I recently finished reading and reviewing a book at Amazon for one of my favorite authors.  She writes about shifters and this book was all about a Jaguar millionaire and he fated mate who is an architect.  I enjoyed the book very much but I noticed a technical error regarding the girls nephew.  In particular his birth certificate as I have had extensive experience with BC's and how painstaking the state is regarding accuracy etc. 

I promptly left a review for the author explaining my finding.  She replied that I must have two stories confused as there was no birth certificate mentioned in her story.  WHAT!?   That cannot be true.  I decided to reread the book just to find out at what page exactly this all happened.  I was about half way through the book when it occurred to me to ask, where was the boy?  Soon?  I began to doubt my smug conviction that I was correct. 

So I opened another book by another author that had a world about wolf shifters and sure enough there was the whole damn birth certificate drama. 

Well crap!  Now I must apologize to the orginal author and try to charm her.  So I wrote an apology and told her that I really had hoped that her story with the BC was true and that we had somehow through the overuse of the internet opened a hole to an alternate universe.  I was then going to ask her if Trump had gotten elected and if North Korea had nuclear weapons and if not could I come live in her universe?  O bother.

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