Saturday, December 6, 2014

NPR, Roller derby and me.


Today is Saturday, I was luxuriating in my bed this morning listening to Weekend Edition on NPR by Scott Simon. He reported on the Texas world roller derby championship held recently. Not too sure who won but maybe 20 or 30 countries sent teams to compete.

Boy did this bring back some memories. In my young and much dumber days in the mid 1960's, I was first introduced to Bay area roller derby by my friend, Judy. I had no clue what roller derby was. You wanna go? Um sure. I thought maybe we would get to rent some skates and participate. 

Hmm better not. Each team consists of 5 women, four blockers and the scoring person. General mission is to out skate and pass the other teams scoring person and make a point. Lots of noise and excitement, lots of elbows and shoulder bumps sending blockers flying over the sides of the track. Judy and I followed our favorite team, Bay Area Bombers all over the area. Just like professional wrestling there were good guys and bad guys, good girls and bad girls. The bad ones were of course the most interesting. We went from the Cow Palace to some far off fair grounds buried somewhere in Contra Costa county to watch this sport.

Eventually I lost interest as time marched on. I remember seeing a television broadcast of Roller derby sometime in the 70's. The sport had definitely jumped the shark as they had an alligator pit infield that the unlucky had to jump as a penalty.. Woo hoo dangerous. Poor alligator I think he made a good purse later on. 

Now there seems to be a more professional effort as the sport is being promoted internationally. The Aussies won the loudest contest. And they all have colorful names. Just make 'em up, g'head...and shouldn't there be a Roller derby Beer?

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