Monday, May 26, 2014

Odd dream

I woke from an odd dream this morning.  I dreamt that I was working and I had to pick up some tapes at one place, drive to another and transcribe them there.  It was a new job and not everything was familiar.  I drove for quite a while and finally arrived at a large doctors office.  I want into a larger office and found a desk with several cassette tape transcription units with all sorts of stop and go buttons but no foot pedals.  I tried every combination I would think of but nothing worked.  It didn't dawn on me until later that there was no computer or typewriter with which to do the actual transcription. 
I surmised that this represented frustration but no according to the dream interpretation site....

Cassette Tape
To see a cassette tape in your dream suggests that there is worth and truth in what you are saying. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to get out of the same rut. You are going around in a loop.

Apparently there is worth and truth if what I am saying and I am saying it endlessly.  Nap time.

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