Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy Birthday Mustang

It was on the evening national news tonight, fifty years ago today the Ford Mustang was introduced to the world.  It cost 2700 dollars and my cousin, Carl, purchased one.  He drove it to Emmett that late spring.  I loved it.  He took me for a ride during a school day around lunch time and I got to rather obnoxiously bray at friends, "Yoohoo!  See what I'm riding in!!"  Carl laughed uproariously.  

A few years later I stayed with Carl and Robin for a few months, the Mustang was still struttin'.  I spent eight EIGHT hours in the back seat of that very same mustang at the Petaluma Drive-In watching Beach Blanket movies.  The seats were cramped, the viewing was iffy because the fog would roll in and out periodically but the night was memorable to my then 17 year old self, it was cool.

The mustang eventually went up on blocks in the garage and was replaced by a Jag XKE which Robin said always reminded her of a dog taking a dump.  Carl was dismayed to find that he needed to purchase the English mechanic to keep the thing running.  

Eventually Carl's mustang went a way, apparently of the 500,000 units sold in 1964 there are only eight original owners still in possession of their 50 year old time machines. Good for them. Rock on.

1 comment:

Phil said...

I remember the Mustang and the Jag, Dad asked Carl how much he paid for it. Carl said $3000 a seat they threw in the car for free.