Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Disaster dream....

Last night I dreamt of spectacular disasters! I was hiding in a house and people kept showing up and I kept keeping them to save them from the various disasters. One huge disasters was a very large herd of buffalo stampeding closer and closer, well that can't turn out well, so I kept telling people to close the curtains thinking if the buffalo would not see us we would not get trampled. Another imminent disaster was the collapse of a huge arena next door like a sports stadium, Last thing I remember was looking up and seeing stars twinkling through some of the collapsing roof. Jeez. Then I hear Miz Chicken screeching for everyone to get up and let her out of the backyard across the street. 

To dream that you are in a disaster represents your personal anxieties and fears of change. You are afraid of not knowing what is in store for you in the future. 

Er, as far as that is concerned I am going to fire up Turbo tax and complete the taxes today, I always worry I will get something wrong or that the great State of Oregon wants more than we have already paid them. There anxiety and fears..check!


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