Friday, February 8, 2013


When we were children, my mother would feed us a variety of proteins, fried chicken was one of them.  However she always saved the necks and backs to boil up to go into chicken noodle soup.   The noodles were another story.  She would pour flour onto the bread board, make a hole and throw in a couple of eggs, this got mixed together and then rolled out flat, rolled up and sliced into noodles. The noodles were invariably dried on newspaper on the beds for at least a full day.   For years we thought that was where noodles came from.

Next step throw frozen chicken parts into a pot, boil until bones come out, remove bones, return chicken to pot, bring to boil, throw in dried noodles.  Add salt liberally. We thought this was wonderful especially the day after it would get all thick and yummy.

My version, comes from left over baked chicken,which makes a fairly clear broth and does not thicken quite so well. My noodles as illustrated above are mixed in a bowl, rolled out on a floured board,sliced and dried briefly,then tossed into the boiling pot of chicken, cook 6 minutes, throw in half package of frozen peas, turn off heat. Serve in soup bowl, sprinkle with Parmesan.  Utilize spoon.  So good on a cold winter day.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Gale said...

I have gotten lazy over the years and have discovered frozen egg noodles.