Friday, December 16, 2011

Decorating, etc.

We finally decided to decorate our department wreath in honor of Judy.  On a more criminal note, the kitchen's wreath consisted of a Nativity scene.  Someone kidnapped baby Jesus, no ransom note, nothing.  A plea to return baby Jesus was posted on the wreath.  The kitchen supervisor threatened damnation because the Nativity set was a personal item belonging to one of the chefs.  Eventually the mystery was solved, the kidnapper had stolen baby Jesus, wrapped it a Christmas gift under the employee tree in the dining room addressed to last year's baby Jesus kidnapper when the same crime was committed against the Nativity set from the surgery crew.  Cooler minds intervened, unwrapped baby Jesus, returned him to his rightful owner and re-wrapped the box and returned the gift to the tree.  Er, demented Gift of the Magi by O. Brother.

The sum total of my season's decorations. Done! Done! Done!
Little dance in the end zone done!

1 comment:

Gale said...

very tasteful and festive